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Hasil pencarian ‘BLBI’


A New Chapter of The BLBI Case

The chase after assets held by Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) recipients should continue with all the force of the law behind it.

EN.TEMPO.CO24 April 2021



DPR to Reopen BLBI Case

Finance and Banking deputy-chairman Harry Azhar Azis says the House of Representatives (DPR) is planning to reopen the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) case. Harry said the DPR speaker had sent a letter to his commission requesting the case be reopened.

en.tempo.co21 September 2012


Australia to Delay Extradition of BLBI Fugitive

The Australian State Court in Perth, has delayed the extradition of Adrian Kiki Ariawan, a fugitive charged with involvement in the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Support (BLBI) case. According Deputy Attorney General Darmono, Adrians appeal should have been announced at mid-year, but it was postponed to September. I was upset, he said in his office last Friday.

en.tempo.co30 Mei 2011


Sjamsul Nursalims BLBI Debt Total Rp 4 Trillion

The Finance Ministrys State Assets Director General Hadiyanto said a borrower of the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Support (BLBI), Sjamsul Nursalim, may still have at least Rp 4 trillion in arrears to the state. The owner of the Bank Dagang Negara Indonesia previously had debts totaling Rp 28,4 trillion.

en.tempo.co15 September 2010


Australia Offers to Extradite BLBI Fugitive

The Australian government is offering to extradite, Adrian Kiki Aryawan, who is wanted for a Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) fraud case. Australia will provide assistance in repatriating Adrian to Indonesia, said Attorney General's Offices (AGO) spokesperson, Jasman Panjaitan, at his office yesterday. He was quoting the statement of Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Bill Farmer, when he visited Attorney general Hendarman Supandji yesterday.

en.tempo.co28 Oktober 2008


ICW to Report New Evidence in BLBI case

The Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) will soon report new evidence in the case of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Support (BLBI) funds involving obligor Sjamsul Nursalim to the Commission Eradication Corruption (KPK).

en.tempo.co13 Oktober 2008


KPK Ready to Expose BLBI case

The Commission Eradication Corruption (KPK) has said that it is ready to expose the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) funding case.

en.tempo.co7 Oktober 2008


DPR Proposes Interpellation on BLBI

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: The House of Representatives (DPR) proposed an interpellation into the solution of the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) case.

en.tempo.co20 Oktober 2018


AGO to Summons All Connected to BLBI

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: Kemas Yahya Rahman, Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes, has emphasized that the Attorney General's Office (AGO) will examine all those who are connected to alleged corruption cases involving Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) funding.

en.tempo.co20 Oktober 2018