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Hasil pencarian ‘UNODC’


UNODC: Methamphetamine seizures in East and Southeast Asia nearly half of worlds total

Methamphetamine remains the top illicit drug threat in East and Southeast Asia, according to a UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) report sent to Tempo today. Seizures of methamphetamine pills have increased more than five-fold since 2007, says UNODC, noting that amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) are now either the number one or number two illicit drug of use in 13 of the 15 Asia Pacific countries surveyed in the report.

en.tempo.co12 Desember 2012


KPK to Work With UNODC

The Commission to Eradicate Corruption (KPK) today (4/6) signed a cooperation agreement with the United Nation Offices on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

en.tempo.co4 Juni 2008