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Hasil pencarian ‘television’


Educational Television Launched

The National Education Ministry in collaboration with PT Global Mediacom, has launched TV Citra Indonesia Terampil, a satellite television broadcasting educational programs.

en.tempo.co3 Mei 2010


Television Shows Do Not Promote Care

Entertainment programs on television, intended to initiate care for among its viewers are judged to be inadequate. Almost all television programs are not intended to educate people but rather to make profit, a lecturer at Semarangs Diponegoro University, Triyono Lukmantoro, said yesterday.

en.tempo.co17 Desember 2009


Diponegoro University to Build Television Station

Diponegoro University (Undip) in Semarang will soon have a TV station to allow its students to express their talents. We are targeting it to be completed by April 2010," Muhammad Nur, Undip Assistant Rector, said yesterday. According to Nur, Undip is still preparing the Information and Communication Technologies building at Tembalang campus in Semarang.

en.tempo.co3 November 2009


Violence on Television on The Rise

Television programs depicting scenes of violence against women and children are on the rise. Particularly in animation and children films, said Sunarto in a review of his book titled Televisi, Kekerasan dan Perempuan (Television, Violence and Women) yesterday in Semarang.

en.tempo.co4 Juni 2009


Television Stations Only Care About Ratings

The Program Manager of the Science, Aesthetics, and Technology (SET) foundation, Gunawan Wiranto, said that the television industry does not think that morality is an important issue for their programs. They are entirely consumed about ratings, he told Tempo yesterday.

en.tempo.co3 April 2009


Telkom Develops Internet Television

PT Telecommunication Indonesia (TELKOM)through its subsidiary, TelkomVision, is developing an internet protocol television-based cable television services. The project is being managed together with PCCW, a telecommunication company based in Hong Kong.

en.tempo.co18 September 2008


National Television Must Telecast 10 Percent Local Programs

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: In order to implement the provision of broadcasting network system, the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) suggested that the obligation of the television industry, for the first stage, to broadcast local program with a proportion of 10 percent.

en.tempo.co31 Juli 2007


Digital Television Standardization to be Applied

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: The government is finally to apply the terrestrial digital video broadcasting system from Europe as the digital television standard in Indonesia.

en.tempo.co16 April 2007
