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The Strained Joko Widodo and Megawati Relationship

The relationship between President Joko Widodo and Megawati Soekarnoputri is becoming increasingly tense.

2 Oktober 2023 | 20.45 WIB

The Strained Joko Widodo and Megawati Relationship

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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The relationship between President Joko Widodo and Megawati Soekarnoputri is becoming increasingly tense. Although they were present at the PDI-P’s National Working Meeting at JiExpo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, on September 29, they are reportedly to be not on good terms. PDI-P cadre members seem to sense this discord. Even PDI-P’s Central Board Chair, Puan Maharani, commented on party members not applauding when Joko Widodo delivered his speech.

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Megawati is the Chairwoman of PDI-P, while Joko Widodo, as often referred to by Mega in various speeches, is a party official. Their support for different presidential candidates in 2024 election has strained their relationship. Joko Widodo, who was not involved in the selection of Ganjar Pranowo as the PDI-P presidential candidate, has moved increasingly closer to Prabowo Subianto, the presidential candidate of the Gerindra Party.

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Their relationship became more uncertain when the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) filed a lawsuit challenging the minimum age requirement for presidential candidates. The PSI wanted the Constitutional Court to revise the minimum age for presidential and vice-presidential candidates from 40 years to 35 years. The aim was to open the possibility for Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Joko Widodo’s eldest son, to enter the vice-presidential candidate race.

Megawati Soekarnoputri reportedly heard about this maneuver to pair Prabowo with Gibran. After the Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB), Muhaimin Iskandar, left the coalition supporting Prabowo, the vice-presidential candidate seat became contested by the Golkar Party and the National Mandate Party (PAN) Party. Later, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir also joined the competition with Joko Widodo’s support.

Gibran’s name then emerged as a compromise between the competing parties. However, he was hampered by the minimum age requirement for presidential candidates. Therefore, the PSI, which had always portrayed itself as a supporter of Jokowi, filed a lawsuit challenging this requirement. Later, two children of a close associate of Joko Widodo also filed lawsuits against the Election Law at the Constitutional Court.

The relationship between Joko Widodo, the PDI-P, and Megawati Soekarnoputri has grown even more heated when Kaesang Pangarep, Gibran’s younger brother, became the Chairman of the PSI just two days after joining the party. PDI-P politicians suspected that Kaesang would lead the party to support Prabowo—as an early declaration of support by the party, although it was later retracted.

The recent political dynamics have caused Ganjar’s campaign team to no longer rely on Joko Widodo’s support through volunteer organizations. However, Jokowi is still uncertain about his choice in the 2024 presidential election. What will happen to his maneuver to pair Prabowo and Ganjar Pranowo? Will Jokowi continue to support Prabowo or switch back to supporting Ganjar Pranowo?

In addition to the cover story on the political dynamics leading up to the 2024 General Elections, we also delve into the development of investigations into alleged misuse of palm oil funds by the BPDPKS, and the ban on trading on TikTok Shop.


Enjoy the magazine,

Bagja Hidayat

Executive editor


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