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Contoh Explanation Text dalam Bahasa Inggris, Struktur, dan Cirinya

Dalam bahasa Inggris, Anda juga perlu mempelajari explanation text ketika akan membuat tulisan. Berikut ini contoh, struktur, dan cirinya.

30 Oktober 2023 | 11.30 WIB

Dalam bahasa Inggris, Anda juga perlu mempelajari explanation text ketika akan membuat tulisan. Berikut ini contohnya. Foto: Canva
Dalam bahasa Inggris, Anda juga perlu mempelajari explanation text ketika akan membuat tulisan. Berikut ini contohnya. Foto: Canva

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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Explanation text merupakan salah satu jenis teks yang bisa dipelajari untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Teks Explanation berisi penjelasan proses terjadinya suatu fenomena alam, sosial atau budaya yang terjadi di kehidupan manusia. Dengan kata lain, teks ini berisi tentang “mengapa” dan “bagaimana” terjadinya suatu fenomena.

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Teks Explanation bertujuan untuk memberi tahu pembaca terkait sebab-akibat suatu hal terjadi. Explanation text umumnya digunakan dalam buku pelajaran, artikel ilmiah, ensiklopedia, panduan, dan berbagai sumber informasi. Berikut ini adalah contoh explanation text beserta struktur dan ciri-cirinya.

Struktur Explanation Text

Sebelum mengetahui contoh explanation text, berikut ini informasi mengenai struktur dan ciri explanation text yang dikutip dari buku Bongkar Pola Soal UNBK SMA MA IPA 2020:

1. General Statement

Bagian ini memberikan gambaran umum atau pengenalan tentang topik atau fenomena yang akan dijelaskan. 

Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan konteks awal kepada pembaca tentang apa yang akan dibahas dalam teks. Pernyataan umum ini bisa berbentuk kalimat pembuka atau pengantar.

2. A sequence of Explanation

Bagian terpenting dari teks penjelasan, di mana informasi rinci dan detil diberikan. Penjelasan ini menguraikan mengapa, bagaimana, atau mengapa suatu fenomena terjadi. Penjelasan biasanya disusun dalam urutan logis, sehingga pembaca dapat mengikuti alur berpikir penulis.

Ciri-Ciri Explanation Text

Explanation text memiliki ciri-ciri kebahasaan sebagai berikut:

1. Conjunctions

Penggunaan kata hubung dalam explanation text sangatlah diperlukan untuk menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat, urutan dan lain-lain. Contoh kata hubung yang sering digunakan yakni “if”.

2. Adverbs

Kata keterangan, khususnya keterangan waktu dan cara (adverb of manner) sering digunakan dalam penulisan explanation text. Contohnya kata “first”, “during”, dan “next”.

Contoh Explanation Text

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh explanation text singkat beserta strukturnya yang bisa dipahami

1. Contoh Explanation Text tentang Fenomena Alam

How Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) Occur

The Aurora Borealis, commonly known as the Northern Lights, is a natural light display in the Earth's sky, primarily seen in high-latitude regions near the Arctic and Antarctic.

The Northern Lights occur when charged particles from the Sun, known as solar wind, interact with the Earth's magnetosphere. These charged particles, such as electrons and protons, are emitted by the Sun during solar flares. When they reach the Earth, they follow the planet's magnetic field lines and collide with gas particles in the upper atmosphere.

The collisions between these charged particles and atmospheric gases cause the release of energy in the form of light. The specific colors of the Aurora Borealis, such as green, pink, and purple, depend on the type of gas involved and the altitude at which the collisions occur.

In places like Norway, Sweden, and Canada, the Northern Lights are a common and breathtaking sight, especially during the winter months. The sky comes alive with vibrant, dancing colors, creating a surreal and mesmerizing spectacle.

The Aurora Borealis is a stunning natural phenomenon resulting from the interplay between solar particles and the Earth's magnetic field, offering a spectacular visual display in the night sky.

2. Contoh Explanation Text Tentang Fenomena Sosial

The Influence of Social Media on Society

Social media has become an integral part of modern society, profoundly impacting the way people communicate, interact, and access information.

The rise of social media can be attributed to the proliferation of the internet and the development of various online platforms. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others allow users to connect with one another, share thoughts, photos, and videos, and engage in discussions and debates. The key driver behind the widespread use of social media is the human desire for connection, self-expression, and information sharing.

However, the influence of social media extends beyond personal communication. It has transformed the way information is disseminated, influencing public opinion and shaping political discourse. Social media enables rapid sharing of news, events, and opinions, making it a powerful tool for social movements, activism, and advocacy.

The #MeToo movement, which gained momentum on social media platforms, highlighted the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault, leading to significant societal change and increased awareness.

Social media has revolutionized the way society communicates, influencing public discourse, activism, and information dissemination on a global scale.

3.  Contoh Explanation Text Tentang Budaya

The Art of Batik: A Cultural Treasure of Indonesia

Batik, a traditional Indonesian textile art, is a cultural treasure deeply rooted in the history and heritage of the country.

Batik is a unique form of textile art that involves a wax-resist dyeing technique. The process of creating batik involves applying melted wax to specific areas of a cloth, which prevents the dye from penetrating those areas. This allows artisans to create intricate and colorful patterns on the fabric. Batik patterns often incorporate symbolic motifs and designs that carry cultural significance.

The art of batik dates back over a thousand years in Indonesia, with each region having its own distinct style and patterns. Javanese batik, for instance, is known for its refined and intricate patterns, often used for traditional ceremonies and clothing. Meanwhile, the batik from Pekalongan features vibrant colors and bold designs that are highly prized.

Batik is not only used in clothing but also in various other items like scarves, tablecloths, and even modern fashion. It is a vital part of Indonesian culture, and the process of creating batik has been recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.

Batik represents the rich cultural diversity of Indonesia and is an art form that continues to be celebrated and passed down through generations, showcasing the enduring beauty of Indonesian heritage.



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