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Manuevering the Constitutional Court Paving the Way for Gibran Rakabuming as Vice President Candidate

The Constitutional Court decision clearly benefits Gibran Rakabuming as Vice President candidate.

23 Oktober 2023 | 20.35 WIB

Manuevering the Constitutional Court Paving the Way for Gibran Rakabuming as Vice President Candidate

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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - In this week’s edition we take a detailed look at what happened in the Constitutional Court’s deliberation room when deciding on the challenge to Article 169 letter q of the General Elections Law. As we know, the Constitutional Court upheld the challenge, which changed the requirements for presidential and vice-presidential candidates to include those who have previously been elected in general elections.

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Therefore, if a regional head is under the minimum age of 40, they can still be a candidate for president or vice president. This challenge clearly benefits Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the Mayor of Solo and the eldest son of President Joko Widodo. His father wants Gibran to run as a candidate to continue his leadership.

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Gibran has been put forward as a running mate for Prabowo Subianto, the Chairman of the Gerindra Party. Jokowi chose to support Prabowo over his colleague at the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Ganjar Pranowo. His conflict with PDI-P Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri has redirected how his family intervenes in the 2024 elections.

The presiding judge for the challenge is Anwar Usman, Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court and coincidentally, Jokowi’s brother-in-law. This family connection is clearly fraught with conflicts of interest, ethical violations, and even legal transgressions.

Apparently, what happened behind the decision is not merely a conflict of interest. There is a more severe violation. We provide a detailed analysis of the drama behind the scenes, as well as the political struggle within Prabowo Subianto’s coalition. Gibran’s name has been on a rollercoaster due to the strong and widespread negative public reaction to the Constitutional Court’s decision.

It seems that Jokowi and the PDI-P are almost certainly parting ways. Gibran has even been endorsed by Golkar, which is willing to accept him after the PDI-P no longer concern about him. Can Prabowo-Gibran win the 2024 presidential election, allowing Jokowi to avoid serving three terms to maintain his power?

Beyond these fascinating political events, we have also covered other engaging topics. There is an in-depth report the factors contributing to the rising prices of rice and the government’s strategies to address this issue. We also provide updates on the suspected money laundering case involving former Agriculture Minister and the subsequent extortion allegedly committed by Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Chairman Firli Bahuri.


Enjoy the magazine.

Bagja Hidayat

Executive editor


Anwar Usman’s Maneuvers


Gibran’s Vice-Presidential Chances

The Constitutional Court’s decision is shaking the coalition of political parties supporting Prabowo Subianto. Opposition to Gibran Rakabuming Raka is growing stronger.

The Ganjar-Mahfud Ticket

Megawati finally pairs Ganjar with Mahfud. She purposely abandons Jokowi in the declaration.


Public Officials’ Abuse of Power



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