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IHSG Terbang Kian Tinggi ke 6.874,4, Samuel Sekuritas: BBRI Pendorong Terkuat

IHSG menutup sesi di level 6.874,4, atau naik 2,05 persen lebih tinggi dari angka penutupan kemarin yang lalu di angka 6.736.

20 Juli 2022 | 17.10 WIB

Layar pergerakan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Jakarta, Kamis, 28 April 2022. Tercatat, 317 saham menguat, 200 saham melemah dan 163 saham bergerak stagnan pada akhir sesi I perdagangan. Tempo/Tony Hartawan
Layar pergerakan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Jakarta, Kamis, 28 April 2022. Tercatat, 317 saham menguat, 200 saham melemah dan 163 saham bergerak stagnan pada akhir sesi I perdagangan. Tempo/Tony Hartawan

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TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - The Composite Stock Price Index or JCI flew higher in the second trading session today, Wednesday, July 20, 2022. The index closed the session at 6,874.4 or rose 2.05 percent higher than yesterday's closing figure of 6,874.4 6,736.

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"A total of 385 stocks closed today's trading session in the green zone, while 157 stocks weakened, and 169 stocks stagnated, with a transaction value of IDR 14.9 trillion," wrote the analyst team of PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia in a written statement on Wednesday, July 20, 2021.

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The frequency of stock trading on the IDX until the end of the first session today was recorded at 1.23 million times, with transaction volume reaching 206.1 million lots.

Meanwhile, the three top leading movers in today's trading session were filled with big cap banking stocks, such as shares of state-owned company (BUMN) Bank BRI (BBRI) which became the strongest driving stocks for the JCI in today's trading session, with contributions from strengthened by 25.57 points, followed by BBCA which rose at 24.62 points) and BMRI strengthened at 19.68 points.

Meanwhile, shares of ready mix concrete producer Berkah Beton Sadaya (BEBS) became the biggest weighting stock for JCI or the top lagging mover in today's trading session, reducing 3.02 points, followed by TOWR decreasing 0.45 points and LPPF reducing 0.4 points. 

In line with the soaring JCI, none of the sectoral indexes closed today's trading session in the red zone. Meanwhile, the industrial sector index (IDXINDUST) became the sectoral index that closed today's trading session with the highest gain of 2.45 percent, followed by the financial sector index (IDXFINANCE) which rose 2.41 percent, and the transportation sector index (IDXTRANS) rose 2. .38 percent. 

Here's a list of five stocks that are in today's top gainers :

  • AXIO (up 35 percent to Rp 189 per share)
  • AHAP (up 34.9 percent to Rp 85 per share)
  • YPAS (up 24.7 percent to Rp 630 per share) 
  • PTSP (up 24.5 percent to Rp 4,360 per share) 
  • MARI (up 18.3 percent to Rp 187 per share)

Today's top five losers :

  • BOLT (down 6.9 percent to Rp 1,070 per share)
  • TRGU (down 6.7 percent to Rp 494 per share)
  • BEBS (down 6.7 percent to Rp 5,200 per share) 
  • INPS (down 6.7 percent to Rp 985 per share) 
  • ESTA (down 6.6 percent to Rp 448 per share) 

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Disclaimer: This news is the result of cooperation with PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia. This news is not intended to invite readers to buy or sell shares. The investment decision is entirely in the hands of the reader.

Riani Sanusi Putri

Lulusan Antropologi Sosial Universitas Indonesia. Menekuni isu-isu pangan, industri, lingkungan, dan energi di desk ekonomi bisnis Tempo. Menjadi fellow Pulitzer Center Reinforest Journalism Fund Southeast Asia sejak 2023.


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