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Attempts to Mitigate Punishment for Ferdy Sambo

THE South Jakarta District Court sentenced Ferdy Sambo to death. There were various attempts to mitigate the punishment for Sambo.

20 Februari 2023 | 14.02 WIB

Attempts to Mitigate Punishment for Ferdy Sambo

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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - THE South Jakarta District Court sentenced Ferdy Sambo to death. He was found to be the mastermind behind the murder of his aide, Brig. Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat, on July 8, 2022. Prior to the verdict, there were various attempts to mitigate the punishment for the former chief of the National Police’s Professional and Security Division. From Supreme Court justices to police generals. From complaints to the Judicial Commission to physical and cyber threats against the judges. Who made those attempts?

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Saving Phillip Mehrtens

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New Rules for Digital Media Advertising

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PERTAMINA Geothermal Energy is predicted to receive fresh funds of up to Rp9.7 trillion after going public on February 24. However, 25 percent of the state’s shares will be sold to Indonesia Investment Authority and Masdar, a new renewable energy company owned by the United Arab Emirates.


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