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Deception of Democracy

ALTHOUGH President Joko Widodo has repeatedly stated that he would obey the constitution, the reality is that people close to him are maneuvering...

5 April 2022 | 20.22 WIB

Deception of Democracy

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Deception of Democracy

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ALTHOUGH President Joko Widodo has repeatedly stated that he would obey the constitution, the reality is that people close to him are maneuvering to garner public support to postpone the elections and extend the president’s term in office. This operation is launched after the term extension maneuvers through political parties failed to get traction, although the option of amending the 1945 Constitution remains viable to achieve the goal of maintaining power. Did Jokowi actually mean to obey the revised constitution?


After Terawan’s Dismissal

THE Indonesian Doctors Association’s (IDI) Ethics Council no longer delays the permanent termination of Terawan Agus Putranto’s membership. Support for Terawan and resistance against IDI are coming from politicians who seek to revise the Law on Medical Practice.


The Politics of Cooking Oil

PRESIDENT Joko Widodo announces the cooking oil direct cash assistance of Rp100,000 per month from April to June to participants of the Non-Cash Food Assistance, the Family Hope Program, and street vendors. The policy is taken after subsidies proved ineffective in suppressing the price of cooking oil. Why only now?


Maldives’ Endeavors to Mitigate Climate Change

THE Maldives President Office’s Special Envoy for Climate Change Sabra Ibrahim Noordeen explains how her country needs urgent actions to mitigate the devastating impacts of climate change. But it cannot do them alone, there must also be serious efforts by other countries. Indonesia’s G20 presidency gives an opportunity to do more, especially as it is also an island nation that faces similar threats of climate change.

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Nur Haryanto

Nur Haryanto

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