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Stolen Subsidies

Problems arise from trillions of rupiah subsidy fund for mandatory biodiesel policy of mixed biofuel with diesel.

11 April 2022 | 16.00 WIB

Stolen Subsidies

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Subsidy Irony

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PROBLEMS arise from trillions of rupiah subsidy fund for mandatory biodiesel policy of mixed biofuel with diesel. The program that has been promoted heavily by the government for the last five years threatens state finances. Behind its reticent style of management, giant oil palm companies play key roles in determining the subsidy allocations that favor their business groups, while farmers are entangled in debts and forest coverage continues to decline. Why do these conflicts of interest blatantly continue?


Muffling Digital Contents

THE Communication and Informatics Ministry wants to impose fines on social media providers if they do not remove contents deemed ‘problematic’. The government argues the policy is to raise state revenue.


Half-Hearted Fuel Policy


An Indonesianist on Democracy

MARCUS Mietzner shares his opinions on the postponing the elections. The German Indonesianist who teaches in Australia compares Jokowi and SBY in facing of criticism.

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