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State Secretary Pratikno Became Jokowi's Political Operator

State Secretary Pratikno is involved in Jokowi's various political operations.

29 Januari 2024 | 18.35 WIB

State Secretary Pratikno Became Jokowi's Political Operator

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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Close friends remind each other to do good things, not conspire in wrongdoing. Perhaps this saying is fitting to be reminded to Pratikno, the State Secretary Minister. He is a former Rector of Gadjah Mada University, a political expert, a professor of political science. Surely, he knows that the desire to perpetuate power should not exist in democracy.

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Therefore, as a close friend, Pratikno should have reminded President Joko Widodo when he was eager to make his son the successor in power. Pratikno should have reminded that Jokowi would end his presidency badly if he manipulated the law to make his son a vice-presidential candidate.

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In reality, instead of reminding, Pratikno became an operator facilitating Jokowi’s power ambitions. From a friend, Pratikno turned into a servant. From a rector, he became just an operator. From a political expert who understands norms and ethics, he became someone using politics to maneuver in maintaining power.

They say power is addictive. Apparently, we can see that addiction has infiltrated Jokowi and Pratikno. They are intoxicated with the power they have enjoyed for almost 10 years. Becoming a king, a leader, must be for the chosen ones. Chosen in terms of knowledge, mentality, spirituality. Those who are not ready will be like the Javanese saying, “kere munggah bale” (a poor person who suddenly becomes rich).

Jokowi and Pratikno must understand all of this. As a political professor, Pratikno knows very well what Politics with a capital ‘P’ is. According to Otto von Bismarck, politics is not an exact science but an art. Of course, art is there to fight for public interests. When it comes to the public, the masses, it is bound by values: democracy, social justice, legal norms. Politics is not just about accommodating short-term interests but long-term interests and the masses.

This lecture will continue. Pratikno must have understood too. What he does not understand: politics without values will strip away integrity. So, there he is: a political scientist who understands political ethics, becoming a servant of power without reservations.

Apart from the increasingly uncertain and undermined politics, we present a special edition of Indonesian films. As has been the tradition in past years, we selected Indonesian films valued for their cinematography, story, and acting. Indonesian movies are just as good as those from more advanced countries. We are rich in social stories. Someday our film directors must delve into the duet of Jokowi and Pratikno in maintaining power. 


Happy reading.

Bagja Hidayat

Deputy Chief Editor


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