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The Failed Ferdy Sambo Plan

Away from the eyes of journalists, Insp. Gen. Ferdy Sambo went to the Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) building in Jalan Trunojoyo.

11 Agustus 2022 | 17.00 WIB

The Failed Ferdy Sambo Plan

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The Failed Ferdy Sambo Plan

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Away from the eyes of journalists, Insp. Gen. Ferdy Sambo went to the Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) building in Jalan Trunojoyo, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, the morning of Saturday August 6. The day before, the former chief of the National Police (Polri) Profession and Security Division also went there in uniform. He was questioned over the death of Brig. Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat. Yosua died with seven gunshot wounds at Ferdy’s official residence of in the Polri residential complex in Duren Tiga, South Jakarta on July 8.

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Unlike when he came on Friday, Ferdy did not go home immediately after being questioned by the Special Team and the Special Inspectorate on Saturday afternoon, at around 5:30pm. The Special Inspectorate, comprising a number of three-star generals, decided that Ferdy had breached the code of ethics. They took the view that he was involved in the damage to security cameras around his home. It is believed that the tapes from these cameras are one of the keys to the mystery of Brig. Yosua’s death.

Ferdy was detained using the Confinement to a Particular Place mechanism at the Kelapa Dua Police Mobile Brigade (Brimob) Headquarters in Depok, West Java. Initially, very few people knew about Sambo’s detention. Journalists only knew that around 20 Brimob personnel and five armored vehicles were at the Bareskrim building until the afternoon.

We only received news of Sambo’s detention on Saturday afternoon. We immediately sought confirmation of it because if it were true, it would be a major development to the case. It would mean that the police had finally summoned up the courage to move forward in their investigation into Yosua’s death, which had triggered debate and public suspicion over the last month. The police gave the impression of protecting Ferdy by trying to create an alibi and a chronology of Yosua’s death by providing explanations that did defied logic.

Last week we decided to make the scheme to save Ferdy Sambo as our cover story for this week. News of his detention caused us to rewrite our coverage even though it was almost complete. The detention of Sambo will write a dark chapter in the National Police history: this is the first time a two-star general has been accused of involvement in concealing evidence of a death in his official residence.

In 2009, South Jakarta Police Chief Sr. Comr. Wiliardi Wizar was involved in the murder of Putra Rajawali CEO Banjaran Nasruddin Zulkarnaen. The Corruption Eradication Commission Chair Antasari Azhar was also caught up in that case.

Also for the first time, the National Police HQ has granted the request from the family of Yosua Hutabarat for another autopsy. Yosua’s family believe that their son was tortured before being shot to death.

What was the extent of Ferdy Sambo’s involvement in the death of Yosua? Why did the police eventually summon up the courage to detain Sambo? There is a lot at stake over the way that the police handle this case. Enjoy the magazine.

Mustafa Silalahi
Managing Editor

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