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Empty Papuan Humanitarian Pause

The unending armed conflict in Papua has caused tens of thousands of people to flee their hometowns.

4 Januari 2023 | 17.15 WIB

Empty Papuan Humanitarian Pause

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Empty Papuan Humanitarian Pause

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The unending armed conflict in Papua has caused tens of thousands of people to flee their hometowns. Several children have died, allegedly due to malnutrition and the fact that local government stopped providing their basic necessities. The humanitarian pause initiative signed in Geneva, Switzerland, on November 11, 2022, was rejected by several Papuan community groups. Is the humanitarian pause merely a political ploy? Why did it not involve all the actors in the conflict?

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Gunadarma Sexual Violence Polemic

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A Past Disaster Expedition

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Nur Haryanto

Nur Haryanto

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